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Tips for Effective Board Members Communications

April 21, 2024

Clear and transparent communication, whether your board members meet in person or via video will result in more engaged and effective decision-making. To ensure that your board is equipped with the best tools for navigating this critical process it is essential to choose the most effective solution for communication that is compatible with the goals of your company and its culture. We have put together some helpful suggestions for effective communication between board members.

Avoid “boardspeak” Avoid getting lost in your nonprofit’s jargon can quickly turn a conversation into dumping of information. Instead try to keep it brief and concise and make sure to proofread it.

Consider the communication style of each member. Some people prefer visual communication, while others prefer to communicate in writing. Understanding these differences will aid you in communicating more effectively and create strong and enduring board culture.

Set a routine for communication. Board meetings might be sporadic but it’s crucial to ensure a consistent flow of updates and re-iterations. Make sure to schedule check-in calls or emails at the same time each quarter or month so that your board is aware of what is happening and when it will happen.

Visual aids can aid you to comprehend complicated information or data. Visual representations like graphs, charts and diagrams will assist your board understand patterns or trends that might otherwise be difficult to comprehend. Making these findings more relatable to other concepts or analogies could make the information more relatable and easier to understand.

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