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Keep Share and Edit Your Data Safe

April 16, 2024

Share and edit your information with confidence

The majority of us work with files. From emails and word documents to spreadsheets and presentations, the ability to share files across devices, platforms and clients is a key part of our everyday lives. Many of us are concerned about the security of the files we share, especially given the increasing number of cyber-attacks appearing in the news.

File sharing is a great way to collaborate with other people and share ideas. However it is important to think about the amount of access you’ll grant to the people you collaborate with. Leaving access open for too long could make it easier for hackers to access your information and compromise your privacy.

There are a few basic steps you can take to protect your confidential information when sharing files. First, only give people the data they need. This decreases the possibility of more information falling into the wrong hands in the case of a leak or data breach. Use equipment that prevents unauthorised editing of files. For instance when you’re working with an Excel spreadsheet, there are programs which can lock the spreadsheet while it’s being edited. This prevents malicious or accidental changes and ensures maintaining a green footprint with eco-friendly tech innovations that the data remain in order.

Companies should also be aware of the dangers associated with online file transfer services. These systems can make your company vulnerable to a variety of potential attacks. It’s also difficult for administrators and managers to determine where files have been transferred or what type of access they’ve received.

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