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How to Organize Data Protection

April 23, 2024

The protection of data requires a comprehensive approach to ensure success. It includes processes to move critical data both online and off-line in a safe way, as well as lifecycle management to ensure data protection from breaches, corruption, attacks, hardware orsoftware failures, and loss due to natural catastrophes. It also requires powerful storage technology that supports high-speed backup and restore, with automated triggers within the system that alert users to issues like unauthorised access or sharing.

Humans pose the greatest threat to data security. If it’s due to negligence or malicious intent, they pose the biggest risk. It doesn’t matter how large an organization is, cybercriminals are looking for their next victim and will target any organization they can access.

It’s crucial to place data protection at the forefront in the culture of your business, and ensure that the key users are a part of the approach. You might even consider arranging the privacy and protection workshop to educate contractors and employees about the importance of protecting the company’s information.

In the current climate, where data privacy is a growing issue, a structured data protection strategy will help companies build trust among their customers. Consumers want to feel confident that their personal information is handled with care, and that their preferred brands have a track record in securing their data. Hacks and data breaches are commonplace, and therefore organizations that are committed to security of their customers’ data will be more successful in the long term.

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